Sito italiano    Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Our daily activities

We are open from 8 o'clock in the morning to 4 o'clock in the afternoon from Monday to Friday. Our children are in classes with other children of their own age following activities appropriate to the specific age of development. The three year olds are the "Lion Cubs", the children of four are our "Cool Cats" and the five year olds are the "Wise Owls". Afternoon activities, instead, like music, drama, creative and discovery, are done in mixed-age groups to build a sense of collaboration. 

Outside activities

Our children are taken out of school several times through the year - to the theatre, the library, the swimming pool. Twice yearly we also visit a local "fattoria didattica" where the children enjoy learning how to make bread, cheese, honey, vinegar or look after the baby animals. Grape-picking day in the autumn is always a traditional day out each year. These trips are very educational and enjoyable.


School day trip

Towards the end of the school year all the teachers, children and their parents enjoy a day trip together. Every year the destination is different but it is always a memorable occasion for all.

Activities > Sport

A healthy mind needs a healthy body! Sport is essential for good health and character development and must. Therefore, play an important role in child development.
At Peter Pan we give our children the opportunity of trying a variety of sports so that they can experiment the pleasure each one brings.

 Swimming is offered each year by the Comune of Modena and most years our school participates. We have also done skating, yoga, judo, karate, dance and pony-club. Discipline and self-control, as well as enjoyment, is all part of sport. The children learn that rules are necessary if a game is to be enjoyed and that it is not always important to win. They develop a sportsman's spirit which will help them become stronger individuals, both mentally and physically.

Our new "cubs"

 Our new 3 year olds - our "Lion Cubs" and "Tiger Cubs" are well and truly settled now and are revealing their individual personalities.